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Wallspray cellulose insulation is often used in new construction. The cellulose is sprayed directly into the cavities, between the studs and against the exterior sheathing, filling them completely, leaving no gaps or voids.
Above we have a newly sprayed wall. The cellulose insulation is tight and flush with studs. NO EMPTY SPACE
Above is a typical foam job. Much harder to fill the space, you can see the many gaps and holes allowing air loss and moisture to collect
These photos compare wall spray cellulose and open cell foam. If installed correctly open cell foam, (on the right) has the same R value as cellulose. On the left we have a wall done by Happy Home Insulation 8 years ago. It still completely fills the wall with no cracks or settling at all. Most foam jobs look like the one on the right, full of empty space and holes for moisture to collect and for air to escape. Foam is not the "magic fix" for energy efficiency. On the contrary, you can install an environment friendly, completely safe insulation that quickly begins paying you back for a third of the cost to foam your house.
Cellulose Insulation - best value for most wall applications. Sprayed cellulose flows around wiring and plumbing and fills irregular voids by over-spraying them, then trimming flush.
Sprayed Cellulose Insulation - Higher R Value than Open Cell Foam
Many people are building more energy efficient homes by choosing cellulose or foam insulation. Both options are superior to fiberglass IF INSTALLED PROPERLY & to the correct R value. (Most building experts agree that foam is good but it must be tested with a blower door to locate and repair air leaks.)
Cellulose & open cell Foam are same R value IF foam is installed flush with studs
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As the dry cellulose insulation is blown from the applicator hose, a small amount of water is added, activating the glue in the cellulose so it adheres to the surfaces within the wall and ceiling cavities. Just enough water is added to ensure good adhesion within the cavity.
The wall cavity is actually overfilled, until the cellulose extends beyond the face of the studs or rafters. The excess material is removed using a rotating scrubber brush, leveling the insulation with the face of the studs or rafters. The small amount of moisture added dries quickly, usually within 24 to 48 hours, and is then ready for drywall. The excess material is recycled back to the blowing machine by a return hose.
Because this technique requires very specialized equipment and training, it must be performed by experienced installers.
Cellulose Insulation Manufacturer's Association- on Installing Insulation
Read review of Wallspray
Debbie Coleman
My experience:"$100 per month "
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This wall was opened up FIVE YEARS later for remodeling. The wall is still filled completely and the cellulose is still tight around wiring and studs. No settling and still provides same R Value as day of installation. Delivering consistent insulation results year after year!
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